Included in the rent is a space heater...Why, tell me why, is it in 2007 would someone advertising an apartment for rent (1) not have at least some kind of central heating system in the apartment and (2) include a space heater as part of the rent? Those things are dangerous, and kind of outdated. They might as well also include in the rent an ax and matches. Maybe I am too spoiled by modern technologies like central heat and air, dishwashers, and garbage disposals, but I feel those things are necessary as any kind of habitating human in 2007. I wonder if this person with the space heater-needing apartment wonders why their apartment is still for rent...? Urgh. I guess I am destined to live in the suburbs for the rest of my life. Or at least until I am making enough money to afford one of those phat downtown lofts that are the size of the suburb apartment but at like $500,000 more. I'll cross that bridge if I come to it, ya dig.