Thursday, November 30, 2006
So it's like super hot here in the apartment. Ok, really, like 72. But I'm near sweating. So I throw on the air conditioning. Then I look at It's supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow. And I'm like, wtf!? It's so hot, but it's going to be freezing tomorrow. I don't get it. If I get sick, well, there's always orange/tangerine juice.

I went to this thing yesterday that this professor was doing. I had met with him back in the spring. He didn't know who I was when I came into the room. That's cool. Then, he asks me if I read the paper. I told him, no, not today. He said, nooo, the paper I wrote. Like, we were there to discuss this paper he wrote and I'm talking about USA Today or something. I was kind of embarrassed. I didn't say anything the whole rest of the time. He doesn't know who I am anyway.

I ended up deleting the link to solitaire off the start menu. However, that didn't delete it off of my computer. I found it today. I played like four games and x'ed it out. Something needs to be done about that game. And it's not like it's even that cool. I don't get it!

I'm here procrastinating again. I should go work. Or make spaghetti.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
  Brick by brick - random
- Ciara's "Evolution" looks to be the album Janet meant to make when she did "20Y.O.". It comes out next Tuesday.

- Time for a clean slate. Not hating, just doing what needs to be done.

- "
Casino Royale" is also bangin.

- I grilled a steak tonight on the George. It tasted alright. I definitely like regular, old grills, but this was pretty good. I think I need a better cut of meat next time. This is why I cook chicken, fa sho.

Tower's going out of business. And they're still taking my damn money! I will not go back, I swear! But on the real, who wouldn't want Eve's first album for like $5? Yeah, me either. I put it back.

- I wore white socks with my dressy shoes today. I felt like Michael Jackson. Don't do this, it'll make you super self-conscious, or it'll make you wish you had kept the sneakers on.

I'm out. I got clothes to iron.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
  Things I'm Diggin
As a means of procrastination, I present you a list of things I am currently into:

- Orange/tangerine juice. This juice is the stuff!
- Cotton sheets. Because the 90% polyester ones just are not comfortable.
- Corinne Bailey Rae's whole album. She's got a kind of weird voice, but her songs are really good.
- Not writing my papers. Who likes to do work?
- Top Chef. I really like watching people make food. And talk shit. Damn reality television.
- Peter Guralnick's "Sweet Soul Music". I am reading this for my papers, but I've found I enjoy it more when I don't think of it that way. It's good.

- The "Marie Antoinette" soundtrack. Really good mix of classical, 80s new wave and some more recent stuff.
- Moloko's "The Time Is Now." This song is just kind of hot. Not really sure why.

This list ended up being really lame. I think it speaks to my own lameness. I need to go write. Ugh.

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Monday, November 06, 2006
  The freaking truth!
How can any comedian get as famous as Dane Cook has with no jokes?

Taylor Dayne. Cookie Monster. The Great Dane next door. Cooke City, Montana. A prune Danish. The Bugs Bunny cartoon that goes, "Cook! Where's my hasenpfeffer?" This is just a partial list of things that are funnier than Dane Cook, but let's stop here or we could go on all day, like one of Dane's monologues. Yeah, we get it: the world's hottest comedian, a success story, the MySpace generation, blah to the blah, but where are the fucking jokes? Dane, did you bring any jokes at all? Or did you just figure you'd think of some after you got famous? His success is his whole story, with his hit album Retaliation, his HBO special Vicious Circle, his Jessica Simpson comedy Employee of the Month. But when does the funny start? How can any comedian get this famous with no jokes? It's like he's a lovable character Will Ferrell made up for an upcoming media-prank comedy, Funnyguy: The Legend of Dane Cook.

Tune in to Dane, and you'll hear old "ya ever notice?" gags you thought would never walk again. You will learn about airports, driving, the ways women are different from men (they cry!), and how people call you "pal" when they're not your pal. "Why are we still requesting people say 'cheese'?" Dane asks. "Was there a time in history when like, photography and cheese were like, the shit?" The best line on Retaliation goes, "He was hit by a Dodge, which I found funny and ironic." I can't wait to figure out which old Emo Philips record that one comes from.

Other comics resent him, not so much for success as for biting routines from Louis C.K. and still not being funny. Dane could be reading aloud from Dave Berg's "The Lighter Side of" in Mad magazine, or he could be Animal House if you thought Neidermeyer was the funny one, but it doesn't matter. Either way, he's huge. Go to his Web site, where he earned his rep as a marketing whiz, and you notice there's no comedy, just essays about how hard he's worked. "Great news!!!" he writes. "We already made back our entire budget and now the movie is making a profit. This is great for me and my cast. It has sent a message that I can open a film up against huge competition." Dane, did you wonder if we noticed Employee of the Month was the assest movie Andy Dick's ever been in, and that includes The Hebrew Hammer? We did! In his Danecasts, he doesn't crack jokes; he listens to Coldplay, replies to his New Friend Requests and urges us to go see Employee of the Month. "Thank you for wanting to check in with me," he muses. "Five million people downloading the Danecast, and let me tell you, it's just gonna get better." You're welcome! So -- heard any good jokes lately?


Gah, I hate Dane Cook. I am glad to find someone else out there who feels this way, too. Stop this fool!


Thursday, November 02, 2006
  These are my confessions.
I have a confession. I am one of those weird people who listens to an entire accident message looking for that little bit of something that makes listening through five minutes of rumbling around in your purse worth it. In case that didn’t make sense, you know how sometimes your phone calls people and leaves messages, all because you forgot to key-lock? Well, I tend to listen to those messages. Like the whole thing. Is that strange?

Anyway, I am on Facebook. I do not understand why people insist on changing things on there as soon as they change in real-life. Why is it everybody’s business that you are currently wasting time in class? What I really love is that you can tell, to the minute many times, of when people break up, take a break, or get together. Why bother even including that stuff? It’s creepy to me that as soon as some shit goes down, they run to their computers to update that their life is on the rocks. Don’t go to Facebook. Go to Charter man!

I have a problem of buying things without needing them. Often, I take them back because I feel bad because I often already own what it is that I bought, but maybe it’s a different color. Tonight, I bought three new CDs. Tower’s going out of business! And I had intended on making full use of their “sales”. Who am I kidding, these are not sales. Calling it a sale is to sucker in fools like me to waste money on their not-even-cheap-when-they’re-on-sale music. I was talking to my mom about it, and trying to justify it, she said, “When was the last time you bought yourself something anyway?” My reply: “I bought two CDs last week, too.” This “sale” could also be called Tower’s going out of business sucker slaughter.

The things here is that they aren’t doing refunds or returns—all sales are final! And it’s killing me because I have to keep these things. Luckily however, they are things I really like. Other than the fact that Aretha’s greatest hits doesn’t include, “Ain’t No Way.” That is really a travesty, but also evidence of my goofy and hasty buying style. I just pray I can stay away long enough that I do not take food out of my own mouth in the name of buying the last copy of Bjork’s greatest hits!

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