Monday, October 30, 2006
1. If people continue to not cite their sources, I will turn all of them in to whatever kind of honor folks there are on campus. And not because I'm an asshole, but because I'm so sick of writing, "Cite!" and then a paragraph at the end about why it's all so necessary. Where did these kids go to school!?

2. I made a pan of brownies last night. I have eaten like 2/3 of them. But, I looked at the nutritional facts and they're not nearly as bad as I thought. But still, that's kind of a shitload. I do not need sweets up in the house.

3. Texting. Some lady I was talking to the other day was telling me entirely too much information regarding her life. In this conversation, she told me all these things she was telling, and I'll quote, her "baby daddy". She was saying all kinds of things. Through text messages. You don't tell somebody you care about them deeply and shit through a text message. What about your thumbs!? I would be more concerned with carpal tunnel or something, and come on, call the damn fool up! That takes like three button pushes as opposed to the 57 million she must have had because she was using long as hell sentences that must've taken forever to thumb type. On her phone.

4. Don't ever buy thigh meat instead of breast meat. It's got all kinds of fat on it, and the George Foreman doesn't cook it very well. And it sometimes doesn't taste good. But that also could've been the ranch dressing I put on it. I ran out of barbeque sauce, and thought it might taste good. I think in theory it did, but not so much in my mouth.

5. I am still so frustrated with these students. Like I want to shake them and tell them to get over themselves. They cannot write! I can only hope that in the speed and frustration that I used to write this whole thing doesn't end up making me look like a fool because I don't feel like spell-checking! Because I am not going to let that happen, I ran a spell-check. See, and all this is is a freaking blog post, not a paper. For a grade! Gah!

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Sunday, October 22, 2006
  Seriously. Like for real?
Check this link.

Is this real? Am I really watching this?



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