My thetan is all over the placeI am making a big move at the end of the summer, so I am currently looking at anything rentable. Houses, apartments, condos, crawlspaces under houses—whatever you want to rent, I will at least take a look. What I have found, however, is that the places that I would most want to live at are also the most expensive. This is different from the places that I would want to live and can afford. The more expensive places do tend to be the nicest ones. Yes, I would like a view of the river. Heck, a view of the downtown glass buildings and smog would be cool, too. But I can’t afford these places.
Why not make awesome places that poor people can afford? Everybody needs lots of sunlight, not just the folks who can afford $2000 a month! This is so random and I can’t think of much more to say, so I’m going to stop. Or in the event of this taking two days to write, continue.
I swear that it doesn’t matter what time of day it is, I always end up trying to go to the bathroom when the cleaning ladies are there. They are never consistent with what times they come in. And I’m like, I have tried to go at all kinds of different times of the morning and you’re still all up in there. I don’t get it. I think they like preventing me from doing my thing. Probably not. But I do always feel goofy when I stick my head out the door to see if they’re there, only to spin back around into my room. Irritating. So now it’s been like twenty minutes and they’re still in there. All I want to do is brush my teeth! I did eventually make it to the bathroom this morning. Only to find that one of the toilet paper dispensers was shoved so tightly with a new roll that you couldn’t even get any out! I like to have lots of toiler paper, but if I can’t get any out, doesn’t it kind of defeat the purpose?
It’s taken me like two days to write this stupid thing, but there’s so much going on that I keep getting distracted. Like tonight, I went to this gathering that one of my professors put on. Two of the folks from my class were asking me questions, and now that I think about it, I don’t know if I answered any of them. And if I did, I don’t think I answered them very clearly. It was kind of bad. I sent an email apologizing for my bullshit. This girl and I have never talked, but I for real feel bad about not answering her. There was just too many people and I was way out of my comfort zone. Like talk about wine and cheese man. I drink beer and eat potato chips. Ok, never actually together, but perhaps you get what I mean. All the folks from my class came dressed rather casually, and some of the other fools were wearing straight up suits! I thought putting on the collared shirt would’ve been a good idea. At least I didn’t look stank from the gym like this one chick. Oh well, we didn’t know! I’m pretty sure we all thought it was for only our class, but it appeared that every class this dude teaches and every organization he’s involved in were also invited. No big deal, but damn it, if there’s gonna be a dresscode, let some fools know!
So I am pretty sure that the root of my distraction was this cute girl I’ve been noticing all semester. I was trying to be witty and fun, but I really do think it’s too little too late. She is kind of hot, too. And I was looking fresh, so I knew I was kind of on tonight. But everything else suffered. What can a cracker do?
I can tell you what I won’t be doing. Kelly Clarkson keeps coming on in my itunes during the shuffle, and I keep changing songs. Leave me alone woman!
Oh, and to all the folks who keep coming to read this, I thank you. I see you out there! Also, the Scientology reference is simply that--a reference. Don't get it twisted, I love Jesus!