Winter clothes and open toesWe all love when it turns cold. At least I do. Some days it’s just too hot and I don’t like my clothes all sticking to me and the sweat that drips from my forehead, causing temporary blindness. So the chill is a welcomed change. I have about seven thousand pairs of jeans and I brought nearly all of them to school so I’ve been wanting to wear them. The first cool day it was about 73 or so, so I thought I’d look fly (read fratty) and I wear my flip-flops with them. The thing is that it was all still weather-appropriate because the temperature was still in the 70s.
So now, the cold weather has been here for a second. It’s cold, like 50-degrees cold. It’s no artic-ass chill, but worthy of a sweatshirt or something. I’ve continued to wear my jeans, as have other folks. But the thing is, is that other people have continued to wear flip-flops. I’ve seen girls with straight-up scarves on with flip-flops. Is it cold or is it hot? You look confused! And it’s not just girls, it’s dudes, too. Fool, why are the bottom five inches of your thigh showing when it’s 46 degrees outside? That mess is not cool even in warm weather, but especially not now. My parents always made sure my sister and I wore weather-appropriate clothes. If it was cold outside, we could not play unless we had on a jacket and for real shoes. So maybe everyone else’s parents missed the message of normal-ass health, or maybe this is like a weak-ass version of some kind of rebellion.
It’s like folks are doing what they always wanted to do: to wear flip-flops and shorts when it’s cold outside. Yes, I am guilty of wearing shorts when it’s cold. But I’m in PE, so that mess does not count the same. And my PE is inside in a heated gym, so shorts are necessary. But for all you other fools, what goes on in your head? “Oh, says it’s gonna be 58 degrees today, that means I need mittens and sandals.” Does that make sense to anyone else out there?
Anyway, I heard this girl singing the “My Humps” song today. And she was into it. Really into it. Shit is catchy, but come on, “my lovely lady lumps”?
So Jay-Z and Nas have squashed their beef. That’s cool, but shouldn’t it have come like three years ago when it was relevant? Jay doesn’t make records anymore and Nas doesn’t sell records anymore, so other than to give people something mildly interesting to talk about, what was the point? They’re not recording music together, they’re not doing a movie or clothing line. They just did one song at Jay’s random concert Thursday night. Ok, kind of big deal in hip-hop history. But does it really matter in the here-and-now?
Speaking of hip-hop, I will no longer be Young Jeezy for Halloween. Instead, I’m kind of adopting a LL Cool J/Run DMC style, with the track suit and the obnoxious dookie chains (I got as close to these as I could find, and shit ended up being the most expensive part of the costume…for fake-ass gold). I wish I could hunt down a Kangol or something, but no used clothing place around here sells shit like that. I found a hat that looked kind of similar, but it was too expensive for one night and it kind of reminded me of a hat a bag lady would wear. And I don’t have enough money to get the hat and I make too much money to be a bag person. Speaking of used clothing stores and bag people, the jacket I bought kind of stinks. I want to wash it, but I don’t know if I should. I think my insane fear of getting lice is prompting me to clean it. I tried on some hats at this used clothes place and I already started to itch. Mess is so psychological. I just hope I don’t need to take back the jacket to get money to buy some Nix.