Random + a blast from the pastSo because I can’t think of anything else and I feel like I should post something, here is a list of the shit I am currently enjoying.
Diet Mountain Dew. I have a huge problem staying awake in the evening, which makes it a real bad time for any attempt at anything resembling reading getting done. So I’ve been drinking this for like two days. I drank it during the summer and it never seemed to affect my sleep or anything. But then again, I would go to sleep at like 2am. But now, I’m like rolling around, wide awake, staring at the ceiling, then my sheets, then the window, then the door. Lots of staring going down. Now that I think of it, I don’t know how much I am actually enjoying Diet Mountain Dew. But it will keep a fool awake!
Coldplay. Yes, I am still addicted. I listened to them a lot over the summer, which forced me to listen to other stuff. But now it’s like Coldplay all day, every day. I think I need help. Or something.
Chocolate-chocolate chip cookies. These things are THE bomb. They don’t taste like anything else. Like all good things I love, I didn’t like them too much at first. I didn’t think they could ever compare to the deliciousness of regular chocolate chip cookies. Good lord, I was so wrong! But I am going to try and limit myself in how many I eat (like none…but I think I’m going through withdrawal; I also broke down yesterday and ate two). I’ve got to do something. I haven’t ballooned like Courtney Love, but I’m mad self-conscious. I should probably also give up all things fried or hamburger-related. But it all tastes so good! I think Willy Wonka had the right idea with that gum that tasted like whole meals. Sometimes, I just want the taste in my mouth!
Funny people. The more things change, the more they stay the same. People never cease to crack me up.
Laguna Beach. Why do I watch this mess? It is not compelling. It is not riveting. And yet I watch. Last season kicked major ass compared to this new mess. It’s all about the previews for the next week’s episode! You wait the entire half hour to see the previews. The drama and shit this year just does not compare. It bores me. Fat Alex is no fun. Why are fools afraid of her? She’s not scary. Give her a little Gwen Stefani or some Krispy Kreme and she’ll be your dog for life, despite whatever may or may not be her hygiene problem. Goofy ass Jessica. I think out of everybody, she needs the most psychological help. “Please, someone throw me against the wall again! I love pain!” And that other ho, Alex H. or something, the one who lives in Kristin’s purse. Is her purpose in life to say things like, “So what about you and Stephen?” My question to you Alex, “What about you? Do you know ANYBODY else?” She is sad, too, but not as sad as Jessica. Can you please just bring back LC, Lo or even Morgan. Something must be done! And yet, I continue to watch.
Ok, something has got me kind of pissed off now, so I don’t much feel like writing more. But I am reading old posts from the ghetto days of sub-journal. Dated 4.13.2003:
Tonight's the last night of Real World Las Vegas, and that's a good thing. Not for me, but for them. They can now stop the insane spread of STDs in their house. Ugh. I swear just about everyone in that house has got with somebody else. Although it has made for good TV (got me addicted!), it is not quality television. Can't we have a good fight over racism (Real World NY) or kick somebody out because they pulled the girl out of the bed, when she was naked under the blanket (Real World LA)? I miss those old ones. Kick somebody off already! I hope the Paris one has a crackhead. If Whitney Houston was on this show, it would not only be entertaining and just plain hilarious, but we could see what she really does. Crack or weed, which is it Whitney? A reality show of her and Bobby would be such a huge hit. I'd watch it! They are so mysterious, yet we all know what they do. But with a camera following them around, we'll get to see what they do. And if she's so addicted as people make her out to be, we are bound to see her do some drugs. And not that I want to see her do drugs, but just to know if she really does. This is getting weird. No more of this haha.
I called it on the Whitney Houston/Bobby Brown reality show. That cracks me up. Have a good one fools.