What up possumI've lived in the south for my whole life. Never in my life have I see so many possums as I have in the past week. These badboys are everywhere. And only at night? Are they afraid of the day? I think they would be more likely to live if they did come out in the day because then we could see their dumbasses. Instead we are greeted by their mangy-ass selves and their like electric blue eyes when headlights hit them at night. Why you gotta be all up on the side of the road? I do not get these things.
Have you ever thought you had lice? Ugh, my head is straight-up itching for real and it's got me all paranoid. My sister got lice once from camp and it was the end of the world in our house. Everything had to be sprayed down with lice killer spray and everything else like washed in scalding water. I will never understand why they let people who forget towels to dry off with towels from lost and found. That's not necessarily unsanitary, but it's just kind of gross. But it does explain how lice becomes an epidemic among young fools. But yeah, my head is itching and stuff. I have become so slack when it comes to bathing as of late. That is for real gross. I've heard lice doesn't really like dirty hair or something, so I believe I'm in the clear. But man, I don't want no lice! That mess is serious. I am a grown-ass fool fearing lice. If you never experience the wrath of lice, you won't understand. I was never a victim, but I had to have that little-ass comb run through my hair with that heinous smelling shampoo. That stuff is gross.